Feeding Baby

Continuous Tube Feeding Overnight Routine for My Heart Baby
Feeding Tube

Continuous Tube Feeding Overnight Routine for My Heart Baby

Five months into our tube feeding journey, we switched to continuous, which brought some much-needed relief overnight as we were running on empty. Continuous feeds are just as you might imagine, feeding continuously – nonstop. My daughter was in interstage awaiting her second open heart surgery. We were struggling with…

Fun NG Tube Tape: Making Tube Feeding a Little Brighter
NG Tube

Fun NG Tube Tape: Making Tube Feeding a Little Brighter

When awaiting your baby’s arrival, you might think of bows, hats, and tiny clothes to dress and accessorize your baby, not patterned medical tape. Life doesn’t always happen how we plan it though. Sometimes unexpected things happen. I did not anticipate and plan for my daughter to tube feed. You…

Navigating an NJ Tube Trial for an Interstage Heart Baby
Feeding Tube

Navigating an NJ Tube Trial for an Interstage Heart Baby

To set the scene for you: my daughter’s second open-heart surgery was canceled, she was interstage in heart failure, losing weight and we needed to buy more time. After conferencing with several doctors, we decided to try an NJ tube. For the previous 6 months, we fed her through an…

From Tip to Tail: Understanding NG Feeding Tube Parts
NG Tube

From Tip to Tail: Understanding NG Feeding Tube Parts

At first, I was freaked out by the idea of having to feed my daughter through a tube. I knew nothing about tube feeding, it was all so foreign and scary. And that’s just it. It was all new and different and I was uneducated about feeding tubes. It’s easy…

Baby girl with bow - How to tape NG tube on baby the best way
NG Tube

How to Tape NG Tube: The Best Way on a Baby

I first learned how to tape an NG tube from pediatric cardiac nurses while we were inpatient after our daughter’s first open-heart surgery. Due to several factors related to her Congenital Heart Defects (CHD), she was reliant on an NG (nasogastric) tube for sustenance for her first 8 months. During…

Feeding Tube Awareness Guide - NG tubie baby girl holding tubing with milk on pink mauve quilted blanket with tiny floral romper
Feeding Tube

Feeding Tube Awareness Guide: What’s that thing in her nose?

Feeding Tube Awareness is low. “What’s that thing in her nose?” is something I heard countless times during my daughter’s first medically complex year. I’m passionate about raising awareness about feeding tubes. What they are, why they matter, and how to support those who need them. What do you know…

Breast milk storage bottles and flanges

10 pumping supplies I couldn’t live without as an exclusive pumper

Check out these 10 pumping supplies I couldn’t live without as an exclusive pumper. Breastfeeding is hard, pumping is hard, and exclusively pumping is the most exhaustive baby-feeding journey I’ve personally experienced. My third baby had to be transferred to a children’s hospital at 24 hours old and unexpectedly needed…

Mom laughing curly hair with snuggly daughter

Inspired by her warrior daughter enduring Congenital Heart Disease, open-heart surgeries, and tube feeding, heart mom, Jessica, shares her experiences and expertise to support new CHD parents.

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