Lines and Tubes and Beeps, oh My!: A Baby After Open Heart Surgery

Lines and Tubes and Beeps, oh My!: A Baby After Open Heart Surgery

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! What’s the equally alarming, open heart surgery version? Lines and tubes and beeps, oh my! We’re discussing the various wires, tubes, lines, machines, beeps, and more that you might see in the cardiac intensive care unit attached to your baby after open heart…

What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say
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What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say

“Well she’s actually safer inside.” They would freeze in discomfort clearly unsure what to say next. “She needs open heart surgery around 4-6 months old.” I would explain to another person. Next, I would erupt in a nervous giggle not wanting to make them uncomfortable, also unsure what to say…

How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery
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How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery

Your friend, sibling, or neighbor is starting to prep for their baby’s open heart surgery. You want to help but don’t know how. You don’t want to bother them when they’re already dealing with so much. While I haven’t stood in these shoes exactly. I have been on the other…

Tube Feeding Flexibility: 10 Places to Feed a Tubie Baby at Home

Tube Feeding Flexibility: 10 Places to Feed a Tubie Baby at Home

My baby can eat while sleeping, what’s your baby’s superpower? Tube feeding comes with many challenges. We have to have fun with it wherever there is an opportunity! Feeding your baby with a tube is likely not how you imagined your baby’s feeding journey. Me either. Due to medical challenges,…

Continuous Tube Feeding Overnight Routine for My Heart Baby

Continuous Tube Feeding Overnight Routine for My Heart Baby

Five months into our tube feeding journey, we switched to continuous, which brought some much-needed relief overnight as we were running on empty. Continuous feeds are just as you might imagine, feeding continuously – nonstop. My daughter was in interstage awaiting her second open heart surgery. We were struggling with…