What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say
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What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say

“Well she’s actually safer inside.” They would freeze in discomfort clearly unsure what to say next. “She needs open heart surgery around 4-6 months old.” I would explain to another person. Next, I would erupt in a nervous giggle not wanting to make them uncomfortable, also unsure what to say…

How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery

How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery

Your friend, sibling, or neighbor is starting to prep for their baby’s open heart surgery. You want to help but don’t know how. You don’t want to bother them when they’re already dealing with so much. While I haven’t stood in these shoes exactly. I have been on the other…

What to Expect at a Pediatric Cardiology Appointment for CHD

What to Expect at a Pediatric Cardiology Appointment for CHD

As the parent of a heart warrior, you quickly learn what to expect at a pediatric cardiology appointment. It becomes routine. In the beginning, however, everything is new. If your child is newly diagnosed with CHD or even heading to the pediatric cardiologist to confirm or rule out a Congenital…