Lines and Tubes and Beeps, oh My!: A Baby After Open Heart Surgery

Lines and Tubes and Beeps, oh My!: A Baby After Open Heart Surgery

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! What’s the equally alarming, open heart surgery version? Lines and tubes and beeps, oh my! We’re discussing the various wires, tubes, lines, machines, beeps, and more that you might see in the cardiac intensive care unit attached to your baby after open heart…

How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery
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How to Support Parents When Their Baby Needs Open Heart Surgery

Your friend, sibling, or neighbor is starting to prep for their baby’s open heart surgery. You want to help but don’t know how. You don’t want to bother them when they’re already dealing with so much. While I haven’t stood in these shoes exactly. I have been on the other…

Close up of baby's arm on hospital blanket with IV in hand, pulse oximeter on finger

How much does open heart surgery cost?: The Million Dollar Baby

Many people are curious about the cost of open heart surgery. I know I was and still am. Unfortunately, like all healthcare things in the United States, it is not so straightforward. For an extremely anecdotal reference, the hospital billed our insurance $162,241.02 for my daughter’s second open-heart surgery hospital…

Manicured fingers writing notes in notebook

What questions to ask about your baby’s heart surgery

Trying to pick a surgeon to perform open-heart surgery on your baby is a heavy decision. How do you decide? It feels like an impossible reality, and I lost so much sleep over it. Nevertheless, if you’re faced with this, it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.  If this…