Breast milk storage bottles and flanges

10 pumping supplies I couldn’t live without as an exclusive pumper

Check out these 10 pumping supplies I couldn’t live without as an exclusive pumper. Breastfeeding is hard, pumping is hard, and exclusively pumping is the most exhaustive baby-feeding journey I’ve personally experienced. My third baby had to be transferred to a children’s hospital at 24 hours old and unexpectedly needed…

Manicured fingers writing notes in notebook

What questions to ask about your baby’s heart surgery

Trying to pick a surgeon to perform open-heart surgery on your baby is a heavy decision. How do you decide? It feels like an impossible reality, and I lost so much sleep over it. Nevertheless, if you’re faced with this, it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.  If this…

Preschooler reading Chinese Zhuyin book

Mandarin Chinese books and tools for preschoolers & Kindergarteners in non-native households

Bilingual Chinese books for preschoolers and Kindergarteners are not the easiest to find if you live in the United States. However, finding age-appropriate books is important if you want your child to be bilingual in Mandarin Chinese and English. I only have an elementary level grasp of Mandarin and my…

Little candles in midwife birthing suite of hospital for calm positive natural birth

Tips to prepare for natural birth in a high-risk pregnancy

Electing to have a natural birth in a high-risk pregnancy may sound risky, perhaps impossible. And that might be the case for certain pregnancies. However, some high-risk pregnancy situations will still allow you a natural birth if that is your preference. In this post, learn tips, tools, and resources for…