What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say
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What to Say to a Heart Warrior Mom, and What Not to Say

“Well she’s actually safer inside.” They would freeze in discomfort clearly unsure what to say next. “She needs open heart surgery around 4-6 months old.” I would explain to another person. Next, I would erupt in a nervous giggle not wanting to make them uncomfortable, also unsure what to say…

Christmas in the hospital: When it’s not the most wonderful time of the year

Christmas in the hospital: When it’s not the most wonderful time of the year

Monitors alarming, machines beeping, and lights flashing are not the delightful Christmas sounds and sights I anticipate annually. They don’t ring quite like jingle bells or twinkle like lights on an evergreen tree. Christmas in the hospital is not something anyone puts on their wish list. Yet, we found ourselves…